LUSCIOUS LIVING: A quick update


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Hi Luscious Lifers,

Apologies for the lack of new posts.

I’m trying to get some work done on my novel (not going very well, alas, as I’ve decided it’s all awful!) and organise everything ahead of time for Christmas, so I’m a bit distracted at the moment. You can see some of the things I’m up to on Instagram and Twitter.

So if you’re looking for something to inspire you, please consider the following:

FASHION: Whilst some of the links are broken (thanks to Facebook doing another upgrade, grrr), you might like to randomly flick through some of our fashion editorial collections.

ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN: If you’re looking for ideas for beautiful homes, from interiors to gorgeous gardens, then you might like some of the posts and galleries in this collection.

HEALTHY LIVING: Follow my progress with my weight loss via a ketogenic diet via the Wednesday Weight blog post series. Start with Week 1 (currently up to Week 6)

FESTIVE ENTERTAINING: We’ve got several boards on Pinterest devoted to Christmas, gifts and entertaining, so do pop by and check them out, and remember to select the FOLLOW ALL option.

MUSIC TO SCROLL BY: Music makes life much lovelier, no? So browse through our “Music to scroll by” posts and let me know some of your favourites too.

SHOPPING: There are several options for shopping, for yourself or family and friends, so start with the index in the LUSCIOUS SHOP for links to the Luscious Gift Guide, my picks for the most luscious brands, and individual shop categories (eg. mens, kids, home). I’m trying to update them regularly so keep popping back.

Thanks for your support, and remember to check out the Luscious page on Facebook too!

Natasha xx








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